Friday, December 26, 2008
How I Met Your Mother
Monday, December 15, 2008
Chinese Traditional Wedding
In conjunction with that, I'm gonna post about the whole process of a chinese traditional wedding. A bachelor night will be held 1 day before the marriage where friends and relatives get to get the bridegroom drunk.
The bridegroom won't get to see the bride once he reaches her place. He will have to go through a process called 'Love Test' which will be carried out by a group of bridesmaids(girls who are either the bride's friends or realtives). This includes paying the bridesmaids in form of angpau which the figure would be an absurd amount. The bridegroom will then negotiate with them the figure and he would be subject to the 'terms & conditions'. He and his bunch of friends will be given some hardship like eating sandwiches full of wasabi, pumping, ear squats, signing contracts which is in favour of the bride, etc. Finally, after passing all the tests, he will be given a key to the bride's room and then takes her home with him.(sorry i don't have the pics in this part of the process as i woke up very late that day)
Upon arrival back home, he will be greeted with firecrackers and someone is supposed to carry some oranges and open the car door for him. He will then get off the car with the bride and is welcomed by al the friends and relatives.
2nd bow is to the parents
3rd is the couple will bow to each other
The whole morning process will end with a photograph session of all the friends and relatives of the bride and the bridegroom.

My brother was one of the attraction there..lolz

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Tips for ACCA F4 Corporate and Business Law (Eng)/(might be useful for MYS according to seniors)
There are fourteen of them even though there are only ten questions.
The number’s in brackets behind the topic are the question numbers from the BPP revision kit.
1. Judicial precedent / delegated legislation ( 4, 7, 8 )
2. Terms, conditions, warranties, innominates ( 22 )
3. Redundancy ( 41, 42 )
4. Consideration ( 19, 20 )
5. Exclusion clauses ( 24 )
6. Breach ( 28, 29 )
7. Tort and auditor negligence ( 35, 36 )
8. Partnership compared with limited company ( 52, 53 )
9. Company names ( 65 )
10. Capital terms ( 68 )
11. Meetings and resolutions ( 78, 79 )
12. Statutory duties of directors ( 83 )
13. Corporate governance and directors ( 95 )
14. Money laundering ( 100 )
Tips for ACCA Paper F5 “Performance Management”
Question 1
Budgets / Learning curves
Question 2
Decision making under uncertainty (maximin etc..)
Question 3
Mix & Yield variances
Question 4
Financial ratios / Non-financial performance measures / transfer pricing
Tips for ACCA Paper F6 Taxation (UK)
F6 is very predictable so no tips as such
Practise as many exam standard questions as you can.
Make sure you do to time. After the 15 minute reading time you have 1.8 minutes per mark. If a question is split between part (a) 10 marks and part (b) 10 marks then only spend 18 minutes on part (a) and then move on to part (b).
Look at all the requirements of the question, can you answer an easy parts first, for example one part maybe standalone and on something very straightforward, so do this part first
You do not have to answer the questions in the order they are set, if question 5 is the easiest do this one first.
Question 3 will be the hardest so leave this until last but make sure you leave 36 minutes to answer it.
Do not panic if you can’t remember something in a question, don’t spend too much time trying to remember it, have a go or even guess. Then you can move on to other parts of the question.
Above all you need 50% to pass, so find the marks you can do. There will always be more than 50% of the question which is examining core areas of the syllabus, only a few marks will be fringe areas, but you do not have to worry about these as you can find the 50 marks you need to pass
Tips for ACCA F7 Financial Reporting (INT)
Question 1
Consolidation, probably Statement of Financial Position, with subsidiary
( full year ) and Associate ( part year )
Question 2
Preparation of financial statements from a trial balance or draft set of
accounts with 6 or 7 adjustments to make - beware the accrued loan interest
Question 3
Cash flow, with or without an interpretation section. Probably with
interpretation so ….a relatively straight-forward cash flow for ( say ) 12
marks and a report interpreting the results for 13 marks
Question 4
15 marker on some lesser examined topic. Construction contracts would be
my guess - but it could be anything - EPS, Leases, Contingencies and
provisions ….. )
Question 5
Could be absolutely anything! Any part of the question Mrs Harper from
the BPP revision kit would be a good Q5 - or part (b) of Q5
Tips for ACCA Paper F8 Audit and Assurance (INT)
30 Mark question:
The audit of non-current assets, including final audit work and expected internal controls.
10 Mark question:
Audit risk or audit committee.
20 Mark questions (3):
CAAT/sampling Audit reports
Letter of representation,
Post balance sheet events,
Liabilities and contingencies.
Tips for ACCA Paper F9 “Financial Management”
Question 1
Foreign exchange:
Forecasting exchange rate
Managing risk (forward rates / money markets)
Question 2
WACC calculation / discussion of ways of raising finance
Question 3
Receivables management / cash management - Miller Orr
Question 4
Capital Rationing / discussion of limitations
Disclaimer:The examiners deliberately try to avoid question spotting. Use the tips as areas to have a good look at, but remember that no-one knows what’s in the exam except the examiner. Your safest bet is to achieve good syllabus coverage in your revision, as the examiner aims to do in the exam.credits->ACCATIPS
Hope the tips will be helpful..Goodluck to all!! =)
We're making hell of noise in the foyer while playing "chor dai di" when 2 fellas from the table behind looking at us and, "Sshhhh" with their annoyed look on their face...
Ivan(smiling at us): Hey're suppose to be quiet in the foyer...
Well..the 2 fellas got so "zha dou" with a sweat look (=.=")
Bro got a new piano..busy practicing everyday..i think he's pretty determined to be Lee Hom..
check out these videos taken 3 years ago when he was about 5 yrs old..
Friday, October 31, 2008
Fun in College At Night...
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
TVB Drama Review
You may wish to have fame and fortune.
But is that really what you will wish for at the end?

YAU's first daughter HONG NGA-YIN (SHIU MEI KI, MAGGIE) does not agree with her on her values. Yet when she sees that the man YIN is going out with is KO CHEUNG-SING (LAM, BOWIE), who is very well-off, she decides to let YIN go with her choice. YAU's second daughter HONG NGA-TUNG (LAI CHI, GIGI) is hopelessly romantic but does not seem to have much luck with men. To make it up to her, YAU seeks to match her up with HO CHIT-NAM (CHAN HO, MOSES), the son of Hong Kong's most powerful business tycoon HO FUNG (YUEH HUA). Being the youngest in the family, HONG NGA-SZ (CHOI SIU FUN, ADA) is well aware of YAU's concerns. Having recovered from divorce, SZ now decides to pin all her hopes on FUNG.
YAU's persistence pays off and her daughters have all found a wealthy husband. But money does not really bring them happiness and the sisters are gradually losing themselves in vanity.
80-episode drama, starring Lam, Bowie (林保怡) Chan Ho, Moses (陳豪) Choi Siu Fun, Ada (蔡少芬) Lai Chi, Gigi (黎姿) Shiu Mei Ki, Maggie (邵美琪) Wong Chung Chak, Bosco (黃宗澤) Chung, Linda (鍾嘉欣) Wong He (王喜)For a limited period, free 5 episodes on ch 923 (ep 1-4), ch 921 (ep5), don't miss it!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Once upon a time...
When the four of them had all gone and came back, he called them together to the meeting room, to describe what they had seen from the quest they were sent on separately.
The first son said, "The tree was ugly, bent, and twisted."
It was laden with blossoms that smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful."
"It was ripe and drooping with fruit, full of life and fulfillment."
If you give up when it's winter, you will miss the promise of your spring,
the beauty of your summer, as well as the fulfillment of your fall.
Don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest. Don't judge life by one difficult season. Persevere through the difficult patches, and better times are sure to come some time or later. =)
Sunday, October 12, 2008
New family member!!