The Petrol Tsunami...I was leading a happy and enjoyable life today as my parents were outstation with my fellow neighbours, who wouldn't?XD In the evening, i was driving pass the petrol station and was wondering why there's a number of people(about 20+ cars) queuing to pump petrol as there shouldn't be that much cars around that hour. I was saying to myself don't tell me petrol price increase meh?I didn't brought out my phone since i was charging both my phones, so i left both of them upstairs as i didn't expect any important calls. Then my sis get hold of me and said that my mum called and asked me to fill up the petrol as the price is expected to increase the next day and guess what, they left 3 cars behind! I was like omg(what i said came true)..i'm the only license holder in the house! I persuaded my sis as she is taking driving lessons now but she was afraid. So i decided to take my car out first then the other 2 and on the way i phoned Edgar asking him whether its some prank and he say maybe not cause there's some website stating that this was a rumour and vice versa. So i queued along(expected) together with my Audit EDC Pack . I queued about 1 and a half hours there and finally->it was not my turn yet but i observed many cars were turning back and i winded down the window and the petrol kiosk operator was announcing "PETROL SUDAH HABIS!!" WTF?? I was damn pissed off so i went back telling myself aiya juz 20-30ringgit extra only mer(to comfort myself) and i was listening to FLY FM about this person commenting "MALAYSIANS PUMP PETROL NOW AS IF THEY GOING TO GET ONE YEAR SUPPLY..COMPARE OUR COUNTRY TO OTHER COUNTRIES, THE PETROL IS STILL CHEAP and bla bla bla". So i went back home with the disappointing face and on my way back, i realized "eh?? one of the car in my house runs on DIESEL->PETROL SUDAH HABIS=DIESEL STILL GOT?. With this assumption, i speed back home and grab the other car and my assumption was right. They still have diesel!!! But my credit card can't be used cause their system went offline..thank god i still have some cash. It came out to about RM69 which i'm definitely going to claim back when my parents come back=)
"Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Wednesday announced price hikes for petrol, diesel and electricity. He said the new price for petrol is RM2.70 a litre, effective midnight tonight. The price goes up by 78sen from the current RM1.92, a hike of 40%.
Abdullah also announced that the price of diesel would be increased by RM1 from RM1.58 to RM2.58.
He also said that Tenaga Nasional Bhd would be raising electricity rates by 18% for homes and 26% for business users.
The announcements are part of the new fuel subsidy plan.
Abdullah also announced a RM625 annual cash rebate per vehicle, for owners of private vehicles with engine capacities of up to 2,000cc, as well as pickup trucks and jeeps with engine capacities of up to 2,500cc.
Owners of private motorcycles with engine capacities of up to 250cc will receive RM150.
Payment will be made via Money Order upon renewal of road tax, from July 1.
For owners of private vehicles with engine capacities exceeding 2000cc, road tax will be reduced by RM200.
Owners of private motorcycles with engine capacities above 250 cc will get RM50 reduction in road tax.source:the star

~the impatient side~

~the queue~
some even went down to buy ice-cream, food and drinks..swt!