Klaffz, Kota Kemuning-My frenz and i had a gathering yesterday which was organised by Khai Synn to welcome a fren of mine, Seh Meng who had came back for his semester break from Australia. About 15 of us(Brian & Yaw Boon turned up later)turned up for the gathering. Our voices could be heard throught the whole cafe as everyone shared their tales about college life and stuff after we separated for several months. We also managed to throw a surprise belated birthday party for Seng Kwee(16/6) and he was definitely shock and touched by our warm greetings. After our dinner, Seh Meng suggested we go for a snooker game so we head straight there as it was just a few blocks away. I didn't manage to snap some shots at the snooker because i was too busy playing,hehe...Anyway i got second place in a snooker game with Chan Yew, Wai Keat and Hung Guan. Later that night at about 11pm, i went back home as it was quite late(playing basketball the next morning) but some of my frenz proceeded to the nearest cycer cafe to play their all time favourite game-Warcraft Frozen Throne a.k.a DOTA!
~interior of Klaffz Cafe~

~the crowd~
~wat was she doin?acting cute?lolzx~

~take one~

~take two~
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