Friday, January 11, 2008

Drinking party at my place...
It was finally fixed at Awal Muharam eve. Andrea suggested we have fast n simple food so i decided to get pizzas. But first i went to pick up Jacqueline as she was not driving that day, after that i head to the nearest Pizza Hut and got the pizzas. Oh yea Pizza Hut service was good, they even serve u drinks while waiting for the pizza & refill ur drinks automatically when it was finished at no charge! Is their service this good all the while or only that branch?


~the new couple~
So the party started about 8pm and this time Edmund brought his partner for the very first time along with my 2 best friends, Eric & Jyh Loong. Andrea bought a half bottle Black Label & i contributed a Chivas or how can we call it a drinking party rite? We started off with our meal after a long wait for Nicholas & Kay Sim as everyone became hungry & couldn't wait anymore but we did kept some pizzas for them according to Andrea: "eh, leave 3 pizzas for Nick & 1 for Kay Sim." Not that she's mean but Kay Sim is known to have an eating disorder.

After Nicholas n not to forget his new toy(DSLR camera) & Kay Sim arrived we proceed with the drinking along with a card game introduced by Jeremy, Andrea's boyfriend which goes
A-self shot
2-choose 2 person to drink
5-u muz cont' a word to form a sentence, failure to cont' drinks
6-stand up
7-sit down
8-make a rule
9-go to toilet
J-person on ur left drinks
Q-person on ur right drinks
sounds interesting yea?

Among the rules implemented which contributed to the fun of the night were

Andrea: All muz speak BM at all times & failure to comply drinks..even phone calls & foul words were to be said in BM!! and guess wat she falls for her own rule too!!lolzx

Ed: All who is standing is to sit & vice versa..some especially Jacq was so relieved as she picked up the stand up card for 2 rounds!

Edgar: He abolished the BM rule and made everyone happy..after that some still spoke BM after a long game,lolzx

~everyone look a lil high~
After that we went to watch Game Plan DVD starring The Rock and a very cute gal which i bought a day ago for the party. Everyone enjoyed the movie...

~edgar was comfirmed high~
To end the party, we decided to take a group photo again with nick's tripod. Among some who stayed until about 2 pm we played Black Jack and this time we play with $$ since it's going to be chinese new year soon. By 2:30pm, everyone left...Newayz, it was really an enjoyable party with them!

Friends forever!

*all photograph were masterpieces by our new photographer, Nicholas Wong Chun Kin..regards!

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