It was finally fixed at Awal Muharam eve. Andrea suggested we have fast n simple food so i decided to get pizzas. But first i went to pick up Jacqueline as she was not driving that day, after that i head to the nearest Pizza Hut and got the pizzas. Oh yea Pizza Hut service was good, they even serve u drinks while waiting for the pizza & refill ur drinks automatically when it was finished at no charge! Is their service this good all the while or only that branch?
So the party started about 8pm and this time Edmund brought his partner for the very first time along with my 2 best friends, Eric & Jyh Loong. Andrea bought a half bottle Black Label & i contributed a Chivas or how can we call it a drinking party rite? We started off with our meal after a long wait for Nicholas & Kay Sim as everyone became hungry & couldn't wait anymore but we did kept some pizzas for them according to Andrea: "eh, leave 3 pizzas for Nick & 1 for Kay Sim." Not that she's mean but Kay Sim is known to have an eating disorder.
After Nicholas n not to forget his new toy(DSLR camera) & Kay Sim arrived we proceed with the drinking along with a card game introduced by Jeremy, Andrea's boyfriend which goes
A-self shot
2-choose 2 person to drink
5-u muz cont' a word to form a sentence, failure to cont' drinks
6-stand up
7-sit down
8-make a rule
9-go to toilet
J-person on ur left drinks
Q-person on ur right drinks
sounds interesting yea?
2-choose 2 person to drink
5-u muz cont' a word to form a sentence, failure to cont' drinks
6-stand up
7-sit down
8-make a rule
9-go to toilet
J-person on ur left drinks
Q-person on ur right drinks
sounds interesting yea?
Among the rules implemented which contributed to the fun of the night were
Andrea: All muz speak BM at all times & failure to comply drinks..even phone calls & foul words were to be said in BM!! and guess wat she falls for her own rule too!!lolzx
Ed: All who is standing is to sit & vice versa..some especially Jacq was so relieved as she picked up the stand up card for 2 rounds!
Edgar: He abolished the BM rule and made everyone happy..after that some still spoke BM after a long game,lolzx

~edgar was comfirmed high~
*all photograph were masterpieces by our new photographer, Nicholas Wong Chun Kin..regards!
Andrea: All muz speak BM at all times & failure to comply drinks..even phone calls & foul words were to be said in BM!! and guess wat she falls for her own rule too!!lolzx
Ed: All who is standing is to sit & vice versa..some especially Jacq was so relieved as she picked up the stand up card for 2 rounds!
Edgar: He abolished the BM rule and made everyone happy..after that some still spoke BM after a long game,lolzx
~everyone look a lil high~
After that we went to watch Game Plan DVD starring The Rock and a very cute gal which i bought a day ago for the party. Everyone enjoyed the movie...
~edgar was comfirmed high~
To end the party, we decided to take a group photo again with nick's tripod. Among some who stayed until about 2 pm we played Black Jack and this time we play with $$ since it's going to be chinese new year soon. By 2:30pm, everyone left...Newayz, it was really an enjoyable party with them!
Friends forever!
*all photograph were masterpieces by our new photographer, Nicholas Wong Chun Kin..regards!
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