Sunday, November 4, 2007

Dedication to Jana

It was the end of the EDC/EFC for p6 and jovial faces can be seen throughout the lessons especially when Jana is around..he always keeps the class alive with his neverending jokes and yet delivers his lectures effectively...he will also makes sure that everyone understands before carrying on with the next chapter and lastly our time spent with him and the advice and experience in life he shared with us shall always be for our finals, we shall do our best and will not disappoint u sir!
~the second day of EDC/EFC~
"In god we trust, the rest we audit"-quote Jana

~CAT Group 2 Jan 2007~
"our very first class photo"

"dream...dream dream dream when i miss u..."-oldies by the Everly Brothers
Jana dedicated a song to us...we were stunned by his solo performance and i'm sure it melts many hearts..u rocks sir!

~how can the APCAs' be left out from such occasions XD~
Jana was amazed by our posing skills and there were many cameras shooting at us..i can't deny that we felt as if we've become a star for a sudden, lolzx...even the crowd nearby were influenced by us...

~the gang~

~how can we left out our dearest Jana =)~

these were "punishment" for those who did not wear formal(informed by Jonathan a day in advance) on that day which was suggested by Jana...we call it "Spelling" but not writing with pencils but...refer pic, hehe and they were requested to spell Jana's full name...

after the "Spelling", Jana end it with a finale before our lunch break! enjoy...

We really enjoyed ourselves that day and i would like to thank him for everything...all the best to Jana!

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