For those who like action...Billionaire industrialist and genius inventor Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) is kidnapped and forced to build a devastating weapon. Instead, using his intelligence and ingenuity, he builds a high-tech suit of armor and escapes captivity. When he uncovers a nefarious plot with global implications, he dons his powerful armor and vows to protect the world as Iron Man. Please stay back after the credits end(you may be pissed off while waiting=p) because there's a spoiler, this happens->When Tony returns home, he finds Jarvis deactivated. He is greeted by a man in black, introducing himself as Nick Fury, who wants to speak to him about the Avenger Initiative.
~iron man~
For those who like comedy...Set in Sin City, story revolves around two people who discover they've gotten married following a night of debauchery, with one of them winning a huge jackpot after playing the other's quarter. Unhappy pair try to undermine each other and get their hands on the money -- falling in love along the way.Satisfaction guaranteed =) signing off...
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