Sunday, January 25, 2009
Klang Outing
After dinner we went straight to Edmund's place for Poker. After that, we went for yam cha at the place where Ivan will never stop criticise or in his dictionary, an undeveloped place! you would like to check out to find out more! We went back home soon after 12.
Year of the Earth Ox by
Snakes are the Ox’s best friends and vice versa. You are both slow and deliberate and your energies similar. So this coming Ox year for Snakes will be beneficial, productive and personally valuable. You will be back in your native groove and enjoying the type of languid mood in which you always concoct your best schemes and are able to carry off projects that needed finishing or topping up. Last year really slowed your progress to a slithery crawl. But the Ox appreciates your quiet sense of esthetics and is always there to help you realize your dreams. Love is back too. You’ll be feeling more romantically intense than you have been in awhile. Reason? Some of your money and chronic health troubles are behind you. Do remember though that the Ox is a demanding old character and does not tolerate a lazybones. One has to show a willingness and an ability to labor under duress in Ox years and even though the Ox favors you and considers you his pet, you will still have to put your pretty little nose to the grindstone and get cracking on projects and problems left undone in previous (less benevolent) years.
Petty health issues will no doubt preoccupy you this year. Skin ailments (which are your most common complaint) may return in more pernicious forms. Keep your eyes peeled for moles that change color and/or painful reddish spots that appear out of nowhere. The former usually need to be removed immediately by a dermatologist. The latter - the red patches - could be heralding a spate of shingles which needs urgently to be treated with anti-virals by a medical specialist. Both are manageable, but must be dealt with post haste.
If a bird flies into your house, do you panic and think someone will die? If you step on a crack do you still believe your will break your mother's back? If you break a mirror, are you certain you will have to endure seven years bad luck? If you reply is yes to any of the above, then you are afflicted with superstition. Of course it isn't terminal and cannot be treated with antivirals or antibiotics. But an excess of superstition often besieges the psyches of Snake people and causes them excessive worry. You are given to other worldly experiences. Sometimes you actually know about things before they happen. This year that quality may spook you and make you more fidgety than usual. Snakes need a spiritual outlet. When they don't have one, their subconscious works overtime. This year, get your mojo working in some sort of spiritual way - religion, metaphysics, mediation or chanting etc. - just so your conscious mind can focus on making a living.
The Ox wants to see you happy. He or she is your best friend and biggest booster. You're on the same wave length. But you are more beautiful. Oxen are more useful. If you must fall in love this year, you might want to choose an Ox partner. Oxen are going places for the next 12 years. An Ox spouse would be an real asset for a luxury hungry Snake person.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The findings of the "What do women really really want" survey conducted by Synovate last October show that about 30% of women rate their partner's looks as being very important.
The survey revealed some surprising facts about how both men and women perceive male beauty. It also reflected various notions of what defines a good-looking man.
The respondents were from Malaysia, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France Greece, Russia, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom and United States.
Some 21% if Malaysian men think self-confidence in a man makes him good-looking, while other criteria include dressing well(20%) as well as good hygiene and frsh breath(17%).
According to the survey, 78% of Malaysian men do not consider themselves good-looking(izzit?). In contrast, 81% of Greek men consider themselves sexy, with Russians following closely at 80%.
Malaysian women, however, rate local men as better looking than those from other countries.
7 out of 10 men said their main motive in looking good was for themselves. Globally, the most used beauty aid by men is deodorant, but interestingly, Malaysian men were second to China, at 52%, to be the least number in the 12 nations to use a deodorant.
The 3 beauty aids most commonly used by Malaysian men are facial wash(57%), hair products(55%) and whitening toothpaste(54%).
The findings also showed that 67% of Malaysians, both men and women, think a man's appearance gets better with age.
Malaysian women think the best looking men can be found in:
- Malaysia (39%)
- UK (1%)
- Italy(2%)
- USA (5%)
- India (5%)
- South Korea (5%)
- Japan (2%)
- Others (14%)
- None (4%)
- Don't know/Declined to answer (21%)
- Carries himself with confidence (23%)
- Good hygiene, fresh breath (26%)
- Dresses well (16%)
- Works out/look fit/defined muscles (11%)
- A tough, macho or manly look (7%)
- Clear skin (7%)
- A great smile (3%)
Aunt's 60th at Genting
the famous cruise fella is seen wearing a samfu(chinese traditional costume)
my twin cousins never leave their books at home!!(we shared the same room)
it was dinner time and we were all at the restaurant except my uncle who was lost as he's not familiar with the place so i volounteered to search for him but he was nowhere to be found, instead i found these puppies...finally dad found him!
young smurf taking a photo
as i said above, this is the 1st genuine shark fin i had after 19 years, the usual ones don't even look like fins..more like flour but anyway i'll choose to save the sharks and stick with my flour=)
bro tasting the fins
gave some comments
i was too hungry looking for my uncle & i din even spare the head =P
the main course, abalony-their signature dish
bird nest tarts as desserts
after the meal, i left my family and joined my friends who happen to be there and i must say its so coincidence that i always meet friends in Genting every single time
check out this persistent
his reward
the very next day, i treated my aunt,dad n sis for breakfast n guess wat i saw-2 lamborghinies, no joke wei..alot of ppl can be seen posing with those cars..i took this pic to motivate myself how nice i can sit on that chair and look at my car!
One day...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Suddenly Reminds Me How Wonderful Love Can Be...
It was their 7th year anniversary and the girl calls her boyfriend.
Girl: I love you.
Boy: Yeah I know, everyone does!
Girl: Really?
Boy: Yeah, all of my friends that are girls tell me that everyday.
Girl: Oh... *pauses* But am I only your friend?
Boy: No, you're my girlfriend. Why?
Girl: So when I say I love you, I really do mean it.
Boy: Yeah I know you do mean it. It's just that you don't need to tell me that you love me anymore because I know you love me since the day we got together and I love you more each and everyday.
Girl: *smiles to herself*
Boy: So, wanna go somewhere tonight for our 7th year anniversary?
Girl: Yeah sure,where?
Boy: I dont know. Maybe movie then dinner?
Girl: Ok.
Boy: Ill pick you up after I finish work and get ready ok?
Girl: Ok. What time do you get off?
Boy: In 2 hours and then I gotta go home and yeah get ready which takes about 15-20 minutes.
Girl: Hey! I thought you didn't have work today.
Boy: One of my co-workers called in sick.
Girl: Oh okay! So I'll see you around 7:30 then?
Boy: Yeah! And babe?
Girl: Yeah?
Boy: I love you.
Girl: I love you too!
Boy: I think I gotta run, my manager is like glaring at me.
Girl: Ok bye.
Boy: Bye.
The guy drives to his girlfriend's house and walks up to the door and rings the doorbell.
Girl: Hi babe! *kisses boyfriend*
Boy: You ready?
Girl: I'll go get my bag and we can go.
Boy: Ok.
They both watched a movie and had a simple dinner. Once they were done eating, they headed back to the car but before she got into the car...
Boy: Wait! Can I blindfold you?
Girl: Why??!?
Boy: Its a surprise.
Girl: What kinda surprise??
Boy: A big one.
Girl: Okay, but only if you promise me tat you will hold my hand while driving.
Boy: I promise.
The boy blindfolds his girlfriend and off they went.
Boy: Ok we're here!! Let me walk you to the place!
Girl: What place??
Boy: Somewhere. *kisses girl on the forehead*
Girl: Baby!...
Upon reaching the place, he removes the blindfold, and she opens her eyes to the view of the city. That very same spot was where he first asked her to be his girlfriend.
Girl: Omg...! *tears quiver in her eyes*
Boy: Why are you crying?
Girl: This is where you first asked me out...
Boy: What are you doing for the rest of your life?
He asked on his knees and after he says that, behind him, in the air it says 'Will you marry me?' in fireworks. Tears came rolling down the girl's face even faster.
Boy: Baby, I'm sorry I lied. I wasn't at work when you called me. I was planning this whole thing.
Girl: (kisses him)
Boy: Is that a yes or a no?
Girl: *nods head*
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
as it don't have a title, you need to key in Ctrl+F on your keyboard, then type Euphoria =P
Oh yea take a look at this..
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
->find out more here
Neways Happy New Year 2009..a great year ahead!!=)
May the year of the Ox bring happiness, wealth & joy to you and your family...